About SpryHouse
A Swedish innovation
that supports
the Transformative and Learning Organization!

A Transformative and Learning organization uses its full potential
Our goal with SpryHouse is to help organizations, where people are at the center, to build the ability to be relevant, today and in the future, and to use their full potential in a meaningful, value-creating and sustainable way.
- Helena Eketrapp, CEO and founder of SpryHouse
Our story
Over the past few years, we have been curious about and spent a lot of time identifying the characteristics common to organizations that have succeeded in building long-term value and healthy sustainable growth. We see that the common factor of these organizations is that they correspond to what we call a Transformative and Learning organization.
Our goal with SpryHouse is to contribute to more organizations being able to develop into transformative and learning organizations and to constantly nurture and improve these characteristics. We see it as our purpose to demystify what it means to be a transformative and learning organization, what sustainable and value-creating growth capabilities are all about, and help organizations develop and strengthen these qualities.

We believe that most organizations can do so much more!
Much attention has been paid to measuring organizational performance, but very little attention has been paid to organizational potential. In terms of the organization at large, when we think about our teams, employees, and even ourselves ourselves, we are not only interested in how we are currently performing - if we meet our goals - but also if we have the potential to grow and create even more value.
What if you knew your organization was only reaching 40% of its full potential?
Wouldn't that change the way you thought about strategy?
At SpryHouse, we believe in people and we believe in organizations. We want to help everyone reach their full potential, and we need to do this together. No individual can reach their full potential without the support of their organization and no organization can reach its full potential without the support of the people inside and outside it.